Developed by an educator, Smart Steps supports high school and college students with learning disabilities, autism, Down syndrome, ADHD, traumatic brain injury and more. Smart Steps is helpful at work, school, or out with friends, so its perfect for a new job, college or in new situations.
Heres how: Choose a Decision Tree and walk through everyday situations, one step at a time. Social skills, reminders and safety tips are included just at the moment needed. This can work for task prompting, too. End up on a Success screen or Call for Backup Help.
Features include Read-Aloud buttons, a Profile Screen, and a Map button. You can choose which Decision Trees show up in the app or make your own.
Store Emergency Contacts in the app for quick access via phone call or text (when the device and phone plan permits calls and texts).
With the Decision Tree Maker, edit existing Decision Trees or create new trees. Change the colors and upload images.
Two levels are available (Group Plans available):
~ Free (Decision Trees; Basic Profile, Map, Read-aloud)
~ Decision Tree Maker Plan: Store Emergency Contacts in the app. Edit and create personalized Decision Trees. Customize button colors and upload images.
Group Plans available in groups of 2 or more licenses so that you can share your trees confidentially within a group.
Download the app and create a free account (link provided on the login screen) on the website
Heres a cartoon with a sample scenario:
Development of this mobile app was made possible by the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center Wireless Technologies (Wireless RERC), which is funded by a grant from the National Institute on Community, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under grant number 90RE5007-01-00.